Headsets Use

It is well known that exposure to the use of headphones for long periods of time and at high volume can cause hearing loss. Most research has focused on sources related to work activities, but there is growing concern about the potential damage caused by the use of hearing aids caused by digital audio players such as smartphones, tablets and mp3 players, especially in the young population that makes bad use of these devices and suffer early hearing dysfunctions, among other health problems.
Recently a study was published by the University of Leicester, England, where they claim that the use of hearing aids in portable devices at high volume could damage our hearing in the same way as a jet engine. This is because loud noises damage the layer covering the nerve cells that transmit sound signals to the brain, so constant exposure can produce permanent and irreversible deafness.
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4 out of 5 cases of deafness are caused by damage to inner ear cells, due to excessive noise exposure.
It is important to take necessary measures to prevent damage to our ears. We give you the following recommendations for the safe use of headphones. 
       Do not put too much headphones in your ears, you should be able to rotate them with your fingers easily.
       Use a moderate volume, so that it is not heard even outside the headphones.
       When you take them off, be careful and do not pull hard, as you can damage the eardrum. It is recommended to turn the cap to remove it.
       The louder the sound, the less time must be exposed to it, the fact that the sound is not annoying does not mean that it is safe.
       Beware of foam earphones that expand inside the ears, generally causing irritation, discomfort and pain. If you get any of these symptoms stop using them.
       Frequent and prolonged use of headphones can impede the circulation of earwax, which can lead to hearing loss, pain or infection. The wax we produce every day is responsible for draining the ears.
       Use good quality headphones, even if they cost more. Its advantages are that thanks to its technology they better cancel outside noise and allow you to better listen to your audio without having to turn up the volume.
Factors to consider when choosing headphones
       Ergonomics. The ergonomic headphones offer greater isolation of the noise since they are inserted in the ear canal. But if you prefer those that are not inserted in the ear, you can get those that fit along the ear, or the tiaras that cover the entire ear.
       Materials. There are different sizes and shapes of plugs. We all have unique ears , therefore, the shape and comfort of the headset from https://www.bluetoothheadsetpro.com/ will depend on you. There are some with silicone pads that adapt easily to the shape of your ear.
       Size The bigger the headphones, the better the blocking of the noise they will have, they also allow you to listen to more details of the music.
       Technology. Currently there are very good quality headphones with surround sound that simulate the surround sound and generate an extraordinary experience. They are more designed for addicts to video games and moviegoers.
       Mobility. Another novelty is the wireless headphones, which although they still do not have very good sound quality, are improving more and more. They use infrared transmitters or radiofrequency signals to communicate with their audio receiver. 
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Tips to take care of your headphones:
1.      It is not recommended to share them for hygiene reasons.
2.      Do not clean them with substances that contain alcohol, as they could damage and dry the plastic parts.
3.      Periodically replace the pads. If you notice that they are already dry, stiff, and dirty and fall apart, it means they need to be replaced.
4.      In those that are more complete and also include headband and microphone it is recommended to replace the components every 4 to 6 months.
5.      Use a mild cleansing product to disinfect and sterilize them.
6.      Take care not to "play" manually with the cables because they break and is the first cause by which they decompose.
7.      Do not pull the cables, if they do not reach their goal, use an extension.
8.      Store your headphones by hanging them on a hook or in a drawer but without wrapping them too much and without putting things on them.
9.      If handled correctly, the headphones can last for many years.


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