You Deserve Love
Why wouldn't you deserve Love? The list may be short, long,
or may not exist. And to be honest it really doesn't matter because you deserve
to be loved no matter who you are or what you've been through in life. More
importantly, you deserve to allow Love within you to radiate. I'm not just
speaking about a little sparkle of Love shimmering like a star over a body of
water. I'm speaking (More like writing right?) about you deserving Love to
shine within you like the sun on Earth.
Before Love can feel welcome to surface from the depths of
your being, you have to believe that you are worthy of Love. You have to
believe that you are worthy of feeling Love and being Loved explained on Happy valentine’s day 2018.
There are no amounts of experiences that will ever block you from the Love that
resides within you waiting to shine. The experiences themselves may appear to
be like a wall blocking you from Love. Shift your perspective with me for a
second; perhaps the walls are there for a specific reason. Perhaps, the walls
are there until you come to realize where Love resides. We sometimes have an
outward focus instead of an inward focus. Perhaps, once you realize where Love
resides the walls will disappear and you will be able to feel and connect to
Everything starts with us as individuals. Before you can receive Love you must acknowledge it from within. Once you realize the Love within is how you will realize Love surrounding you without; connecting with Love inwards is how you connect with Love outwards.
Everything starts with us as individuals. Before you can receive Love you must acknowledge it from within. Once you realize the Love within is how you will realize Love surrounding you without; connecting with Love inwards is how you connect with Love outwards.
There are times when others have told us that we don't
deserve to be loved and even worse, we have told ourselves that we don't
deserve love or to be loved. We sometimes feel that we don't deserve to be
loved due to our "Negative" experiences that we face. The type of
experiences where we feel alone and cut off from Love.

Is it possible that your "Negative" experiences
were to help you to learn and grow? If you learn and grow from a
"Negative" experience, is it still considered a negative experience?
Or is it a positive experience? Personally, I've had loads of
"Negative" experiences in which I learned and grew from, so to me
they are all "Positive" experiences. In each one of my negative
experiences I learned about the real me who is beneath what my favorite color
is or what I do for a living. The experiences were in a teaching capacity
with me being the student on the subject of "The real me" and
"Life". Is it possible that your experiences were set up specifically
out of Love and for Love? Is it possible that you experienced "High's and
Low's" just for you to remember the Love that you have?
Well, how exactly do you remember Love within you? You
remember Love through acknowledging your connection to your experiences,
specifically, you realize that all of your experiences are for you to learn and
grow. When you realize that your experiences are for you to learn and grow is
when you release yourself from the emotional wheel that are attached to
"Negative" experiences. In other words, you release yourself from the
negative emotions that accompany negative experiences from the perspective that
the experiences are harming you and not helping you. Being released from the
emotional wheel and realizing that Love is why the experiences happened is how
you open yourself up to the Love you've always had. "Love that I always
had?" Its like having a bird's eye view of a highway being lit up on one
end and dark on the other end. The part of the highway that is lit up are your
experiences and the dark end is inside of you. When you realize the Love you've
always had is when the dark end is lit up. It's lit up to the point that you
realize that it is one light shining on one road (connection). Meaning you are
one with you experiences due to realizing Love beneath them and Love beneath your surface.
You've probably heard, "The truth sets you free"
well Love will set you free. Love will set you free inside and expand your
awareness to the Love outside of you. The expansion in awareness is how you
will be opened up to Love in all shapes, sizes, colors, and experiences. By
going through this whole process, you will have made it quite clear that you
deserve Love; that you are worthy of Love and most importantly that you are
The source of Love or the "Who's" or
"Why's" are not really important, the fact that all of your
experiences are based from Love and that Love resides inside of you is
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