How Did Valentine's Day Originate?
Valentine's Day today is a worldwide phenomenon --
straddling continents, cutting across cultures and transcending traditional
beliefs. Quite simply, it has the world in its grip -- love does make the world
go round! But, did you know that this celebration of love and romance has its
genesis in a rather macabre event? No? Then, read on...
Saint Valentine
Fanciful legends surround the origin of Valentine's Day,
adding to its mystique. But the one that seems to have the most acceptances is
that this day was actually the martyrdom day of Saint Valentine. He was a
fearless Christian priest who dared to challenge a mighty Roman Emperor, way
back in the 3rd century A.D.

Saint Valentine was a priest in the empire of Claudius II.
The latter had sounded the death knell for young lovers and married couples
with a rather peculiar decree. Fearing that loyalty to their families would
supersede loyalty towards the empire, and thus leave him with an impoverished
army, Claudius II ordered that every marriage and engagement in Rome be
declared null and void.
Since when has Love bowed down to dictates and threats?
Valentine, (it would be a few centuries before he would be canonised), feeling
sorry for the plight of the young men and women -- and uncaring for his own
safety -- secretly married hundreds of couples. It was not long before the news
of this 'treachery' reached Claudius. Enraged at being thus defied, he threw
the hapless Valentine into the dungeons and ordered to have him executed. It
was in his cold and dingy prison that love and hope entered Valentine's life.
The gaol keeper's daughter befriended him and it is believed that he, too,
reciprocated her feelings. Just before he was led away to be beheaded, he wrote
her a hastily scribbled note, singed as 'from your valentine'. The date was
14th February, 270 A.D.
Valentine's death did not go in vain. His courageous act
spurred lovers down the centuries to celebrate his martyrdom day as the day to
express love for the one they secretly admired and liked. And, although more
than seventeen hundred years have passed, the custom of exchanging love and
friendship messages on 14th February each year has endured! Later, Saint
Valentine became the Patron Saint of this date!
However, believe it or not, there were no less than three
Saint Valentines in early
Christian history, all of whom were martyred on 14th February!
Nevertheless, scholars are unanimous in believing that the Saint Valentine of
the Valentine's Day is the one who attracted the wrath of Claudius II. A tragic
tale that has now spawned generations of love-struck men and women!
According to another theory, Valentine's Day can also trace
its roots to the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. It was annually
celebrated on 15th February in honour of the Roman God of fertility, Lupercus.
The festivities took place near the cave of Lupercal, where legend has it that
Romulus and Romus were found suckling a she-wolf. Like most Roman festivals,
Lupercalia was characterised by boisterous merriment, animal sacrifices and
Pope Gelasius
Till 496 A.D. Valentine's Day was steeped in 'pagan' Roman
practices before it assumed a more sober demeanour. By then, Christianity was
the reigning religion of Rome. Before long, Pope Gelasius I declared that,
henceforth, 14th February would be observed as a Christian feast day.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Centuries passed. HappyValentine’s Day images 2018 may well have continued as a rather
serious occasion, limited only to the clergy, had it not been for Geoffrey
Chaucer. For the first time, the idea of romantic love was injected into the
hitherto sombre festival when Chaucer penned a few romantic verses for this day
in the 14th century. His rationale was simple. Since this was also the day when
even birds selected their life-long mates, Saint Valentine's Day should be
observed as the day to honour true love!
The wheel had turned a full circle. What had begun as a
defiant gesture honouring love and commitment, once again paved the way for
hundreds of Cupid-struck men and women. As love burst on the scene, the
floodgates seemed to have opened! Those in love, on the brink of love or those
wishing to renew their love -- all happily started observing 14th February as
the day when one's heart's desires could be freely expressed.
Valentine's Day became the red-letter day on the calendar of
all those in love!
The author, Daya, is an experienced journalist and creative
writer. She currently works for a leading online ladies' gift retailer in the
UK gift industry. She has spent some time researching the origins and
traditions of valentines from around the world and her findings are published
at []. Her ideas regarding giving,
celebrating and romance are published at a number of websites. At
[], Daya writes about how to choose the
best gifts for all the different women in one's life: girlfriend or wife,
mother, daughter, sister, female friend, granny, work colleague - every woman!
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